Good Comic BooksFATHOM #0 » Good Comic Books | The UK's Most Awesomest Comic Book News, Reviews, Previews and Stuff | Fri, 08 Dec 2017 12:44:23 +0000 en hourly 1 Review | Fathom #0 Tue, 31 May 2011 22:27:18 +0000 Joe Innes Anyone who reads the various amounts of crud we post on this here website, may already know of my hatred for #0 issues. Not because they are poorly written or badly drawn, but because they’re way too short. It’s the equivalent of going to see a band who play half of their best song before leaving for a month. This issue was great, but left me wanting to know much more.

Fathom is the story of a scantily clad, ass kicking female who can do cool stuff in water (like Aquaman but without the Y chromosome). As it’s in its 4th volume, I had no clue what was going on story-wise, but the pictures were incredibly beautiful. Artist Alex Konat (who illustrated Mindfield, which is another ace comic) draws these incredibly beautiful sea-scapes, and there’s one panel that is really breathtaking, I have no idea what I was looking at but I guess that’s one of the reasons why I want more.

There’s not really much more I can say, Fathom #0 is an incredibly pretty book, where important stuff happens, but I guess it follows on from the previous volume so it went right over my head. If you’ve been following Fathom, definitely pick it up, if not and you’re looking for some incredibly pretty pictures and a head-first introduction into a new world… Dive in.

Joe Innes.

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