Good Comic BooksTHOR » Good Comic Books | The UK's Most Awesomest Comic Book News, Reviews, Previews and Stuff | Fri, 08 Dec 2017 12:44:23 +0000 en hourly 1 News | The Avengers Trailer Wed, 12 Oct 2011 09:02:52 +0000 willpond Marvel and Paramount yesterday released a new, longer trailer for The Avengers; could this end up being not just the biggest blockbuster off 2012, but also the biggest blockbuster ever?

Everything looks super sized; the cast, the sets and even the explosions, the wide shot 18 seconds in is particularly impressive. Director Joss Whedon is keeping his cards pretty close to his chest, and the trailer shows less than it feels like it does; but he does introduce the main characters and the villain, so it’s enough to get me excited.

Oh, and if your wondering where the hell is the Hulk, just wait to the end. Check out the trailer below and get back to us with your thoughts.

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Preview | Ultimate Comics Ultimates #1 Mon, 27 Jun 2011 18:56:05 +0000 Joe Innes Cover Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

Marvel says:

Marvel is pleased to present your first look at Ultimate Comics Ultimates #1, from the critically acclaimed creative team of Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic! Iron Man, Hawkeye, Nick Fury & Thor are back together after the monumental events of Ultimate Comics Fallout! One of the biggest villains that ever faced the Ultimate Universe has returned. But with a teammate out of action, can the remaining members save the world as they struggle to find their place in the Ultimate Universe?   Ultimate Comics Universe Reborn kicks off this August in Ultimate Comics Ultimates #1!

Variant Cover by ESAD RIBIC
ON SALE – 24/08/11

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The Good Comic Books Podcast #2 Tue, 10 May 2011 19:10:40 +0000 Joe Innes

Will can no longer feel his legs... Because we cut his arms off as well.

Download this podcast HERE

Join John Paul, Will and Joe as they discuss things including the following:

CoverThor Marvel Comics Movie StudiosSmallVariantGreen Lantern Movie Poster Ryan Reynolds DC Comics

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Marvel.1 | Part 2 Wed, 11 May 2011 19:20:03 +0000 Joe Innes

I open up Captain America 615.1 and immediately recognise the name Brubaker, I assume Marvel is pulling out all the stops for this issue and eagerly read on! The issue nicely sets up the relationship between Steve Rogers and that shield, a man who doesn’t want to take on the huge responsibility it holds but jumps at the chance to jump over rooftops whenever the opportunity arises! The pages are exciting and action packed, Bettie Breitweiser’s colouring nicely complimenting the art. I do have one gripe though, Nick Fury disguised in a latex suit?! Come on… I must admit though, I am not completely swayed but decide to buy the next issue and see how it goes.

I have to take a double look at the cover for Hulk 30.1, the guy is red! Once I get through the opening page I hit the ground running and read on, or if you’re a hulk… jumping! Parker’s writing is really sharp, never losing sight of Thunderbolt Ross’ voice underneath the red skin; who else would shout “Get out off the way trust fund babies” whilst flying down a ski slope? The relationship between Ross and General Fortean is also well handled, and I like the Moby Dick referencing title. Hulk was exciting and full of adventure; I will definitely be buying issue 31.

Ok so just a few questions about Deadpool 33.1, is it always this crazy? And also so funny? If the answer to all of the above is yes, then I’ll be sticking with Deadpool through the next issue. Next up, Thor 620.1 and I have to admit I am really looking forward to this issue, the film is coming up and I am hoping it will be a good starting point; luckily I am not disappointed. Abnett and Lanning get through all the boring plot details quickly (Asgard on Earth… etc) and move straight into the action, introducing a villain and giving Thor a clear objective that can be completed within one issue. The writing builds up the anticipation to Thor’s arrival to maximum effect and very nicely gives us a way to meet all the other colourful characters in Asgard. I really like this issue and will definitely be putting Thor on my pull list.

The last release of the month is Uncanny X-Force 5.1, one look at the opening page and the size of the team I know I’ll be making quite a few trips to wikipedia in the near future. The issue is really exciting and can only be described as a combination of extreme violence and nice looking pictures, it’s good to see a darker arrow for the Marvel bow and I like the idea of a black opps mutant team. The colouring by Dean White nicely compliments Albuquerque’s scratchy drawing style; this leads to a grimy page, soaked in dark tones, really letting me know I’ve entered the dark side of Marvel. Remender’s writing is very lean and the action moves at a fast pace, and although the attention to the individual characters within the team is a little un-even, I feel we will become acquainted in future issues. Uncanny X-Force is loads of fun; I will definitely be buying the next issue.

You’re gonna end up buying SO many comics Will – ED

In part 3 of this feature, I’ll be taking a look at the final .1 releases including Uncanny X-Men 534.1 and Secret Avengers 12.1.

Will Pond.

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Review | Thor Movie Sat, 30 Apr 2011 14:34:57 +0000 Joe Innes That’s it the summer can officially begin! The first blockbuster of the year is released and it comes in the shape of Thor, brought to the screen by Mr Kenneth ’4 hours is an acceptable running time for a film’ Branagh. The master of all things Shakespeare managed to convince those jerks down at Marvel Studios to give him the director’s chair, but can a firmly B list director step up to such a big blockbuster?

For one, it’s strange that a film centred around a Norse God actually feels more comfortable when it’s Earth bound. After a slow first act spent mostly in Asgard, the film starts to pick up as Midgard (Earth) comes into the equation. It doesn’t resort to tired old scenes of Thor having to adapt to life on Earth… which is nice, and there’s a really brilliant, albeit unexpected comedy element that saves the film from ever seeming too pompous. There’s also a great rapport between Thor, Foster (Natalie Portman) and her scientific team, which I’m assuming is down to Branagh’s super directing skills.

It’s when the action takes place in Asgard that the film suffers. Branagh brings some Shakespearean grandeur to the conflict between Thor, Odin and Loki (Loki can easily be compared to the character of Iago from Shakespeare’s Othello, a role Branagh has played himself in the past) but it isn’t subtle, and only serves to weigh the film down. Constant wide shots sweeping over Asgard leave the buildings and statues looking like a toy city, the inhabitant’s just small blips in the frame; and the Asgardian costumes are a bit rubbish, a fact which becomes painfully apparent in a scene on Earth. THEY LOOK LIKE POWER RANGERS!! – ED

When everyone isn’t shouting at each other though, and the CGI is firmly in the back of the frame, Branagh gets the chance to really work with the relationships between Thor, his father and his friends… and perhaps more importantly, the adventure.

The film is well cast and Chris Hemsworth really fills out in the role of Thor, looking completely comfortable in both armour or jeans and t-shirts. Tom Hiddleston is also very good in the role of Loki, who is as mischievous as we all know the character to be, and Idris Elba makes a great Heimdall. The script for the most part does the job even if it is all a little predictable, as well as the following niggles; a harsh jump cut from child to man means we never know what caused Thor to become so arrogant, and it’s difficult to identify with him until he comes to Earth, also do we ever find out what Portman was setting out to prove with her research? Or what was she researching to begin with?

So does Thor deliver the goods? I would say yes, when it’s not taking itself too seriously. If nothing else, Thor is incredibly entertaining with some fantastic visual effects (the Bifrost Bridge is particularly impressive) and a great sense of adventure… And remember, stay for the post-credits sequence for a glimpse of things to come in the build up to The Avengers!

Will Pond.

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Death of Spiderman | Part 7 Sun, 17 Apr 2011 21:39:38 +0000 Joe Innes Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #3

Do you remember the ‘big super hero war’ going on in the background of Ultimate Spiderman #156? This issue gives us an inside view of that particular skirmish and things get ugly. The fight that we have been promised literally appears out of thin air and Mark Millar wastes no time in taking the scrap out into the open with as many bullets and as much public destruction as possible.

The injection of humour in this chapter makes it a big improvement on the last. Millar’s ‘Balls to the Wall’ style works best when satirizing the kind of Michael Bay blockbusters it appears to imitate. If he forgets to put that tongue in cheek then we get what happened in issue 2. The ridiculously rapid pace of the action here completely disregards any cloak and dagger subtlety that could be explored in the mystery of who the traitor is. However rather than being a hindrance this element helps drive the story towards a brilliant twist, which I will not spoil here.

My gripes with this one are not huge. The jokes about Tony Stark’s alcoholism had worn thin after the first six issues of the Ultimates but Millar insists on flogging that dead horse. It’s a shame to see it after writers like Warren Ellis have proven the character can be developed in interesting ways and not just sidelined for comic relief. While we’re on the subject, why does the Iron Man armour now look just like it does in the movies? It should be the other way around! Then again how can I expect common sense in a comic where Captain Britain and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. are gushing over David Cameron?

For more on the shocking ending of this issue, stay tuned for my review of Ultimate Spiderman #157, coming soon!

Joe Read.

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Review | Journey Into Mystery #622 Wed, 13 Apr 2011 22:16:05 +0000 Joe Innes You know, I told myself I wasn’t going to buy into all the Fear Itself cross overs. I even got into a whole conversation with someone over the weekend about how if you’re buying anything other than the main issues to get the full story, the writers aren’t doing their job right. I still stand by this, but I recently signed up for a standing order service at Orbital Comics, and they stuck it in my bag as I had requested Thor issues. The reason I didn’t protest was Keiron Gillen’s name, and I’m pretty glad I didn’t.

This is a really cool Loki story, full of classic Thorish mythology. The kind that makes you forget your reading a Marvel comic and not a fairytale. The kind that gets a story from A to B in a way that you couldn’t even have dreamed. Similar to the Russian fairytales Mignola uses in Hellboy, like the Baba Yaga who lives in a hut that stands on chicken legs… Or that guy who has his soul inside a needle, which is in an egg, which is in a duck, which is in a hare, which is in an iron chest, which is buried under a green oak tree, which is on the island of Buyan… In the ocean. I love Hellboy.

I’ve never read an issue of Journey Into Mystery before, but is it always so reflective of its title? It truly is a journey into mystery, and it’s given that little bit of reality needed by Loki being a kid. He speaks Thor-speak, but has a perfect amount of punk wit to remind you he’s the god of mischief, like a subtle Damian Wayne. The flash back to Fear Itself #1 from Loki’s perspective is also a great touch, he’s got shifty eyes so you know he’s planning something!

The art is dreamy, really matches the ethereal nature of the series. Wouldn’t say I’d like all my comics to look like this, but Asgard is certainly the place to have soft lines and more pencils than ink. There are certainly some great images that really let you sink into another world, which is why I read comics I think.

So, Journey Into Mystery is now officially added to my list. If you like journeys into mystery, then I suggest you do the same. It’s exactly what it says on the tin.

Joe Innes

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Preview | Fear Itself #2 Thu, 07 Apr 2011 20:52:26 +0000 Joe Innes After #1 was released this week (it was quite good) Marvel are showing us a sneaky at #2… which is nice.
Cover Immonen Variant McNiven Variant Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Post Cover
Marvel asked me to tell you:

Your First Look At FEAR ITSELF #2

Marvel is proud to present your first look at Fear Itself #2 (of 7), from comics megastars Matt Fraction and Stuart Immonen. The comic blockbuster of 2011 is here and fans and critics everywhere are asking “Who are The Worthy?” Seven hammers of unfathomable power have fallen to the far corners of the Earth and the race is on to see who will be the Serpent’s champions. With the Asgardians leaving the Marvel Universe to fend for itself, can the Avengers repel a foe that gets stronger the more he’s feared? The Marvel Universe’s worst nightmare comes true this May as the event calls “a huge, epic story that is exactly the kind that comic books are made for” continues, only in Fear Itself #2 (of 7)!

FEAR ITSELF #2 (of 7) (MAR110612)

Variant Cover by STUART IMMONEN
Variant Cover by STEVE McNIVEN

On Sale – 4th May 2011

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Review | Fear Itself #1 Wed, 06 Apr 2011 15:59:54 +0000 Joe Innes I don’t know about you, but if I had a father like Odin I think I’d be inclined to fight him all the time too. Fear Itself kicked off today in incredibly subtle style. I always expect these things to blow up and turn into a massive fight immediately (like Civil War?). Instead, Fear Itself begins with a domestic between Thor and his angry one eyed dad, and it was really good.

Matt Fraction is writing a comic blockbuster with movie blockbusters in mind, but it’s still great to read. With the release of Thor at the end of the month it’s apparent that fleshing out the father/son relationship between the two Asgardians is something that the film also shares (if the trailers are anything to go by). It sets up the series for old and new audiences alike, though Steve Rogers had much less of a role in this book, but I can imagine as the film release gets closer, he’ll step up to the wicket (or ‘the plate’ for all you yanks). Especially as he isn’t Captain America at the moment… OOOO, maybe he’ll start Captain America Incorporated!!

Immonen’s art is a safe bet. It does exactly as its told and doesn’t take any chances, while its impossible to fault something merely for being safe (as safe is still good right?) I do like things to be a little more interesting. I want my dragons to be unlike anyone else’s dragons, I want my panels to show more movement than just up and down, and left to right… Who am I kidding though? This is a mainstream comic mega-event. They’re not going to do anything to put people off if they can help it, and it still looks great, I’m just in a picky mood.

There was a worry amongst some, that Fear Itself would be the premature end of The Heroic Age, something many people welcomed after some dark days in Marvel comics. It’s safe to say though, that even with the real world issues Fear Itself touches upon, heroes do still seem to be heroes, and the tone does still seem to be light, and Fear Itself is still perfect escapism. At the heart of it, there is a villain whom is being awakened who will surely endanger the world. Who do you think might try and stop this villain if not for heroes? This was a great start to what promises to be a great read. One that I hope won’t ask me to spend ALL of my money, but may offer me more depth where I want it. You shouldn’t fear Fear Itself… because it looks quite good.

Joe Innes.

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Fear Itself #1 Cover Fri, 04 Feb 2011 21:51:11 +0000 Joe Innes Marvel have just released this, Steve McNiven’s cover to Fear Itself #1! Exciting eh? Thor is on the floor, and it seems whoever gave him the smack-down is holding his hammer… It could be another guy with a hammer, but I’d say he gets a pounding either way.

Fear Itself is released on the 6th April 2011.

Fear Itself #1 Preview Cover Matt Fraction Steve McNiven Marvel Comics Thor Iron Man Spiderman Wolverine Avengers

Marvel Says:

Marvel is proud to debut the sensational cover to Fear Itself #1 (of 7), from superstar artist Steve McNiven! Prepare to fear tomorrow as comic luminaries Matt Fraction and Stuart Immonen deliver the most anticipated event of 2011, kicking off in a colossal 56 page first issue! From the halls of Avengers Tower to the spires of Asgard, the entire Marvel Universe is about to enter a waking nightmare and no show of force, no attempt to reason, not even unconditional surrender can ever undo the damage done.

As Spider-Man, Captain America, Wolverine, Iron Man and the rest of Earth’s mightiest heroes find themselves drafted into an eons-old war, will they have the combined resolve to combat their own worst fears personified? Can their loved ones and teammates escape from under the boot heel of Sin, the new Red Skull? And just what secret do her perverse plans share with the endless abyss beneath the Rainbow Bridge? Extinguish all hope because, this April, the Marvel Universe changes forever, only in Fear Itself #1 (of 7)!

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